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Another Better Block in Lake Charles

Another Better Block in Lake Charles

Laura Ricks
Dec 17, 2019

Lake Charles is taking its commitment to Complete Streets ordinances very seriously – and even improving on them. Last summer LHCC helped create a Juneteenth "Better Block" event around the SWLA Center for Health Services, which demonstrated green space and different transportation options, such as bike lanes, around the Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC).

But the SWLA Center for Health Services didn't stop there. The Juneteenth Better Block effort helped foster a permanent bike library there, with its staff, patients and fitness center members incorporating regular bike rides into their daily lives. They are walking the walk, so to speak, when it comes to being healthier.

LHCC is a huge support of Better Block demonstrations, which can help get Complete Streets ordinances passed. If you want to find out more about these efforts, please be sure to read our blogs that detail these efforts, which come complete with links and helpful information to get started.

And on that note, here's to happy holiday season and a healthier 2020 for everyone!

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