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Using Evidence-Based Interventions to Improve Community Health

Using Evidence-Based Interventions to Improve Community Health

Jul 01, 2024

To build healthy, thriving Louisiana communities, it’s important to utilize evidence-based interventions, also known as EBIs. As defined by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, EBIs are “strategies that have been proven to work.” Think interventions, programs, or projects that have strong research to back them up. They have been tested, tried, and proven to be effective.

It is also important to note that some of the more effective EBIs occur at the community level. So, instead of targeting individuals themselves, think about strategies that would benefit the community as a whole. Some examples include changing processes or systems, the environment, or a policy.

So how can you implement an EBI?                                                                       

  1. First, determine what need you aim to address. Use data, research, or even engage community members to determine the community’s greatest needs, and choose one as a target for your project or intervention.
  2. Do your research. Read about some evidence-based projects or interventions that have been done to address a similar need. Think about which ones would feasibly work in your own community. Check out some evidence-based programs, interventions, and other findings at the resources below:
  1. Consider all the factors that could impact your project. Do you need input or buy-in from community members? Do you have the resources you need to implement this intervention? If not, do you know where and how to get the resources you need? These are just some things to consider before deciding on a project.
  2. Decide on an intervention and make it innovative. When implementing EBIs, innovation and creativity are still important. Take an existing strategy or intervention and tailor it to your specific community’s demographics, strengths, or resources.
  3. Have an evaluation plan. How will you tell if your project reached the desired outcome? Even if it’s simple, having a plan to determine if your intervention worked is important.  

Stay tuned for trainings about EBIs and other topics important for addressing community health. Please sign up for our newsletter and follow us on Facebook to stay up to date on event and grant opportunities.

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