Tobacco and Obesity

Get The Facts On Tobacco and Obesity

Louisiana ranks almost last in the nation for health.

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  • Louisiana ranks almost last in the nation for health primarily due to its high prevalence of smoking and obesity.*
  • The American Lung Association gives Louisiana an "F" in 4 of 5 proven policies that reduce tobacco use, including: 1) state tobacco tax level; 2) tobacco cessations service coverage and access; 3) state tobacco prevention program funding; and 4) minimum 21 age for tobacco sales. Earned "B" for smokefree laws, showing power of community-led efforts. **
  • Lung cancer is the most deadly cancer in Louisiana causing more than half of all of the state's cancer deaths. ****
  • All areas in Louisiana have higher death rates from lung and bronchus cancer than the U.S. average. ****
  • Almost $2 billion in public dollars are spent on tobacco-related disease and death in Louisiana annually, for an average cost of $1,220 per household.*****
* ** *** CDC, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2014 **** National Vital Statistics System, 2014 *****
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  • Louisiana ranks almost last in the nation for health primarily due to its high prevalence of smoking and obesity.*
  • Louisiana has the sixth highest rate of adult obesity in the United States.**
  • Louisiana has one of the highest rates of obesity in the country. ***
  • Louisiana has a high rate of childhood obesity. ****
  • African Americans, those with less education and lower incomes, as well as rural and suburban dwellers are more likely to be physically inactive.*****
* ** *** **** ***** CDC, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2014

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