
grants AT WORK

Read about how grants are improving communities across the state:

Let’s Talk Advocacy!

Advocacy is an important part of community change. It allows community members to mobilize, rally around a common cause, and unite to make a positive change. But what exactly is advocacy? And how can ...

Remembering Roots: A Community Heal...

With an adult obesity rate of 46% and limited access to fresh, nutritious foods, Bienville Parish is one of Louisiana’s least healthy parishes. Using LHCC Community Grant funding, one community organi...

All About Policy, Systems, and Envi...

Here at LHCC, our mission is to build healthier, thriving communities by mobilizing them to develop policy, systems, and environmental (PSE) changes. So what are PSE changes? And how can people implem...

Need A Little Seed Money?

One way to help communities become healthier is through a little “seed” money, as small investments can lead to big changes.

Mini Grant Image^ 2020 LHCC Mini-Grantee Market Umbrella/ Crescent City Farmers Market adapted their market operations to include safe home delivery of local produce during the COVID-19 pandemic. Photo taken by Katie Sikora Photography.
The Louisiana Healthy Communities Coalition (LHCC) mission is to improve Louisianans' health and quality of life by mobilizing communities through implementing policy, systems and environmental (PSE) changes in order to build healthy communities. While Louisiana is a state with a complex array of health needs, obesity and tobacco are two of the biggest causes of chronic disease across the state. LHCC also has a commitment to address health equity in Louisiana and to address the social determinants of health as these are essential to creating a healthier Louisiana for all.  Louisiana has a diverse population and as such has a variety of groups that have poorer outcomes and decreased quality of life-related to obesity and smoking, including but not limited to:  rural populations as compared to urban and suburban; low-income populations, racial and ethnic groups such as African American and Latinx as compared to white; and LGBTQ+ as compared to cisgender straight. The LHCC recognizes that these communities need funding to address their obesity and tobacco-related issues. For this reason, we are excited to announce the 2024 LHCC Community Grants to fund PSE efforts to improve the health of Louisianans and improve health equity.

There are two separate opportunities to apply for funding this year- 
  • Built Environment: We will be awarding grantees $1,000 to $3,000 for obesity-related projects increasing community access to healthier, built-environments. Particular interest will be paid to obesity prevention projects that address health equity and the social determinants of health.

  • Smoke-Free Environment: Additionally, grants ranging from $1,000 to $3,000 will be available for projects that aim to increase smoke-free environments through projects focusing on smoke-free municipalities, increasing social capital for smoke-free environments, or reducing smoking in youth and/or adults. All projects must incorporate either a policy, system, or environmental (PSE) change component.
Applicants may apply for both grants but are required to submit two separate applications.
LHCC is looking for innovative projects that will have a positive impact on the public good and health disparities.  For more information and examples of PSE projects, please check out this link Policy, Systems, and Environmental Change

Policy & System Change

Definition: Policy and system change often work together to change processes or rules of an organization, institution, or system.


  • Healthy food retail initiatives at corner stores, farmers markets, schools, or other sites to encourage consumer fruit and vegetable purchasing.
  • Expand the reach of farmers markets by accepting SNAP benefits/ food stamps and/or encouraging farmers to grow fruits and vegetables. 
  • Establish or expand a Farm to School Program by establishing healthier food procurement to serve farm fresh, locally grown produce in schools or early childcare centers.
  • Implement a client choice model at a local food pantry.
  • Smoke free park policies to prevent tobacco use 
  • School vaping policies with alternatives to suspension 

Environmental Change

Definition: Physically changing the environment. Environmental changes are best implemented when backed by a policy.

  • Infrastructure to support storage (refrigerators, freezers) or distribution (transportation costs) of fresh or frozen produce for a local food pantry or other community organization. (Organization should also consider adopting a policy to stock fresh or frozen produce.)
  • Start or expand a community garden. (Organization should also consider adopting a policy to ensure maintenance of space and uses for produce grown from the garden.) 
  • Plant fruit trees or create a fruit orchard in public spaces. (Organization should also consider adopting a policy to ensure maintenance of space and uses for produce grown from orchard.)
Many PSE changes include combinations of policy, systems and environmental change. To learn more about PSE change, visit

*This list is not comprehensive of all fundable projects. LHCC Community Grant funds CANNOT be used to purchase food.

As part of building a healthy community, Grantees will be connected to resources to help them implement a tobacco-free policy at their proposed project site should that site not have tobacco-free policy.


Applications for the 2024 LHCC Community Grants are now closed. Please sign up for our newsletter and follow us on Facebook to stay up to date on future grant opportunities.


Important Dates

Action Item

May 24th at 2pm

May 26th at 9:30 am

Grant Writing Workshops.

View the recording here.

See the slides here.

May 31st - August 21st,

By appointment

Grant writing office hours.

This is an opportunity to ask any questions and receive assistance with writing your grant proposal.

July 24, 2023 – August 25, 2023

Applications are now closed.

August 2, 2023 at 11:00 am

Grant information session.

No later than September 2023

All award notifications distributed.

No later than October 2023

Funds will be distributed by this date.

May 31, 2024

Projects must be completed

Basic FAQ

How many applications will be funded?
We anticipate funding 6-10 applications.  

How do I apply for a Community grant? 
Applications for the 2024 LHCC Community Grants are now closed. Please sign up for our newsletter and follow us on Facebook to stay up to date on future grant opportunities.
What are past examples of funded projects? 
Check out this farmers market project we funded in Central Louisiana. For a list of other ideas, please see the top of this webpage.
Who is eligible to apply for a LHCC Community Grant?
Eligible organizations include non-profits (with 501c3 status), government entities (e.g. village, town, city, or parish governments), universities, schools, and other community-based organizations (e.g. community health centers, FQHCs, or churches). This Community grant does not fund individuals, but they are welcome to partner with an eligible organization. 
What is a PSE change?
Policy, Systems, and Environmental (PSE) changes are the "upstream" factors that can improve our health. You can visit to take the course "Action for Policy, Systems, and Environmental Change: A Training” and learn more. For our 2020-2021 Community Grants, we’ve provided examples of fundable PSE projects at the top of this webpage. 
Can this funding be used for continuation or expansion of existing projects (even from prior years)?
Yes. However, applications that are copy and pasted from the previous year's application will be disqualified. 
Our grant application was not funded previously. Can we apply for this cycle?
Yes, complete a new application for consideration this Community grant cycle.
Are there any restrictions associated with this grant?
Yes, we have restrictions on what funds can be used for and eligible organization. Click here for all LHCC Community Grant restrictions.
How will my application be scored?
Your grant application will be scored on the following aspects:
  • Completeness of application
  • Innovation
  • Partnership building (including non-traditional partners outside of your sector and with local coalition)
  • Alignment with LHCC vision and mission
  • Community need for project 
  • Organizational capacity to execute project
  • Degree that proposal aligns with policy, system, or environmental change 
  • Intervention’s impact on the public related to obesity or tobacco
  • Impact on health disparities, health equity, and social determinants of health
  • Sustainability of project beyond Community grant funding
  • Environmental friendliness

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